is a 24 hour comic?
a challenge: one cartoonist tries to create a full 24 page comic, normally
months of work, in 24 straight hours.more info
is 24 Hour Comics Day?
an international celebration of comics creation. Cartoonists all over
take the challenge of trying to create a 24 page comic story in 24 straight
hours. Many gather at special events in comic book shops,
schools, and other locations.
Hour Comics FAQ
of 24 Hour Comics
Sending in your comic
Random story seeds
a 24 Hour Comics Day event
contents copyright
in your comic
One of the rules of the 24 Hour Comics Challenge is that you have to
send a copy of your completed work to Scott McCloud. This is true whenever
and wherever you do your 24 hour comic.
We here at 24 Hour Comics Central will be collecting the copies from 24 Hour Comics Day on his
behalf. Some things to consider when sending your work in:
- Include a filled-out copy of the cover sheet, which you can download.
- Send in a photocopy. Never send originals, we
ain't gonna return 'em! In the past, we said you could send in a CD-ROM
instead of a photocopy, but that ended up being too cumbersome on this
end (the effort in going through hundreds of CD-ROMs, figuring out
each person's file naming convention, and printing them out was huge.)
You can send in a CD-ROM along with the photocopy or printout, if you
- The address to send it to is on the form: 24 Hour Comics Day, c/o
About Comics, 217 Red Oak Lane, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320, USA.
- Don't waste money on rush postage. There is no rush in getting the work here.
- If you're doing the online variation at home and you don't want to
submit for the book, you can simply send an email to [email protected]
with a link to your story, the information from the cover sheet, and
let us know whether you're willing to have a link to your story on
the blog. (We don't know how much traffic this will add to your site.)
Please note: there is no Highlights book planned for 2007 (although if any of you out there are experienced at securing arts funding, we could sure use your expertise for future years). However, there are a number of reasons for making sure you submit your work. For one, sending in a copy has always been a 24 hour comics requirement, dating before there were any books. For another, these copies will go into a 24 Hour Comics Day archive currently in the works for a university library. And finally, having the copies on hand gives the option of them being included in some future book (although no specific book is currently in the works.)